английский язык

жовтня 1, 2011   |  

Давайте знакомиться

Лучший способ овладеть языком — это начать говорить на том языке, который хочешь изучить. А чтобы начать говорить, необходимо ввести ребенка в языковую среду. В этом на помощь приходят не только песни, стихи и рифмовки, но и видео- и аудиоматериалы, которых дети с нетерпением ждут каждый урок. Первый месяц стал месяцем знакомства. Мы изучали и привыкали друг […]

травня 26, 2011   |  

4 day of «Pogruzhenie»

19.05.11 The day was amazing!! Now I will show you how we are doing our morning exercises I like the part when we were doing visual illusions! Each member of the team received a dragon, which they had to cut, colour and put them together. At the end the dragon was following you with his […]

травня 26, 2011   |  

3 day of «Pogryzhenie»

Today I will tell you about 18.05.11. The day was very interesting! First, we did some exercises and then had breakfast. Then the teachers gave us some tasks that were not really easy but we’ve done them. We were in India… each team had their territory where were hidden letters on trees, buildings and even […]

травня 25, 2011   |  

The fifth day of «Pogruzhenie»

Senuk Vika 20\05\11 Friday Dear diary Today we are finishing a game. We must shoot a film «Around the world in 80 days». Then we showed a film and made next move. My team won! The most vivid event today is our team's work. We were real close-knit team.It was fun but difficult. Although Lesha […]

травня 25, 2011   |  

The third and fourth days of «Pogruzhenie»