Середа, 25 Травня, 2011   |   Школа Афіни

Дневник с “Погружения”. Среда

Day 3

Dear diary. Today is the third day of our “Pogruzhenie”. Tonight I slept better than yesterday. My dad must bring me padding polyester pillow because I have allergy on pen pillow. In the morning we woke up earlier. Then we went to do the morning exercises. Later we had breakfast. At everyday meeting we got our tasks. Tasks are about China. Tasks deal geography. Next task was maybe the most interesting. The task was to hide “Treasure” and draw a map where it was. Treasure is a bottle with paper. We hid our “treasure” under the log. Team, which was searching our treasure, couldn’t find it! Later we got new tasks. Tasks were more interesting then pervious once. Tasks ran about Chinese theatre. My colleague Anton chooses the story about Marko Polo (in ballet style).

Next 40 minutes we were preparing for our debut. We drew decorations, chose roles, etc. At 8:00pm we got together at the amphitheatre. First the team “Feyhua” performed their debut in shadow-theatre style. It was awesome. Then was our turn. I think that we were the best. Then we went to beds and fell asleep.