Середа, 25 Травня, 2011   |   Школа Афіни

Дневник с “Погружения”. Пятница

Hello diary, now is the last day of our unusual study. This day was brilliant.

Today we did only one task. But it was the biggest task during “Pogruzhenie”. We had to do film which was 5 minutes long about the week in the forest. This film should have good sound, story, music, some adventures and opinion of each member of our team.

First of all, we wrote screenplay. When we wrote it, we thought that our film would be 10 minutes. Then we thought about roles (who does what?). After solving theoretic problems, we proceeded to filming. But we thought about screenplay too long. And for filming we had only 20 minutes left.

When we finished shooting our movie, we got new problem. We had to edit our clip. We did our movie a little bit later then we have to do it. Only team “Buy” finished the movie later then we did. Then we found out about the winner of our game. The winner was team “Feyhuya”, by the way they had the best movie.

Then, at 3:00 pm we tidied our rooms, packed our stuff and put it into the car. At 17:30pm we came back to Kiev.