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четвер, Травень 26, 2011   |   Даниэлла Калигорская

4 day of «Pogruzhenie»


The day was amazing!! Now I will show you how we are doing our morning exercises

I like the part when we were doing visual illusions! Each member of the team received a dragon, which they had to cut, colour and put them together. At the end the dragon was following you with his head!! I learned some new illusions!!

The most interesting task was to do geometric solids.

This is a photo of them!

We also had tasks with coins and some other supplies that we recorded on a camera and then showed it to everyone in our presentation.

This is a picture when we had brain ring about shapes and how to count their volume.

This is a photo of Nastya and Nikita… this is how we are recording our practicum.

It was very interesting!!!

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